1. Mon Sheong Foundation Chinese School reserves its rights to cancel or combine classes when class enrolment is insufficient.
2. Parent/Guardian of the student consents to Mon Sheong Foundation Chinese School's collection and use of the information provided, to any photographs, motion pictures, video tapes, DVD and / or audio recordings taken of the student, for the purpose of communicating, marketing, fundraising and other information about the Class, the School and the Foundation as a whole.
3. Kindergarten class: Applicants must be 3 years old on or before August 31. Children under 3 may be admitted after interview at discretion.
報讀幼兒班的學生須在8月31日或之前年滿3歲。未滿3歲幼童, 可經面試酌情取錄。
4. Conversational Program - Applicants must be at least 5 years old.
話會話班 – 學生須年滿五歲。
5. Mathematics M9 - M12 are semester programs. Tuitions are semester-based. There are 15 sessions in a semester and length of each session is 2 hours and 45 minutes.
6. For start and end dates of the course, please refer to the course schedule as provided separately.